When poets die and leave their words

When poets leave you their words and love everywhere ...

I only need to look at my messages to hear her love

“You don’t need a sword

or a Staff to hold you

You just need you

Your wisdom,

is wise enough to hold you

Stand firm

you are strong

You are enough

You can do this

No fear

Stand strong

Stay still.

Your heart

your vision

It keeps bringing


To the world


You are enough

Keep going

I love you “

by Sandra Richardson

A Beloved Grief … diary entries and writing by Clare Jasmine Beloved after the death of her wife, Sandra Richardson from metastatic secondary breast cancer.

You can find other writings from Clare about grief and loss here

Links to Secondary Breast Cancer charities we support https://www.secondary1st.org.uk and https://www.make2ndscount.co.uk Macmillan Cancer Support Helpline : 0808 808 00 00. Marie Curie support and info : https://www.mariecurie.org.uk

Sandra Richardson REST IN POWER & POETRY 13.2.64 - 25.8.21

Originally published late 2021


I will carry the Hag Stone home (originally published late 2021)


She is all big skies (originally published late 2021)