Clares New Book was published in Dec 2024.

The first Edition is SOLD OUT but the paperback is available here

“A delicious, irreverent love story of two Liverpool artists/poets/activists, Clare Beloved and Sandra Richardson. Dive into their private journals — their love letters, illustrations and scribbled notes to each other. Fall in love with their eye rolling, their funny stories — then let your heart break as Sandra is diagnosed with cancer.

Follow Clare’s raw diary as she navigates life as a Bad Lesbian Widow, in search of a place that feels like home again. Meet the gorgeous eccentric characters and friends she encounters along the way. This is not a self help book for life or grief, but a chance to witness the magic of community and queer love and celebrate how they carry us through the hardest of times. “

What People Are Saying about “ Somewhere between derelict and divine”

“Somewhere between derelict & divine is the most precious and beautiful book I have ever owned. Savouring each and every page -crying & laughing deeply

— Taara (Hospice Nurse)

Exceeded my expectations- essential for all humans. More than a comfort,Clare takes us by the hand and shows us her community & that despite pain and loss there is much beauty and hope.

This book cracks open the window and lets love in

— Kate Codrington

I’m crying and laughing out loud all at once.I never really want to come to the end - I am eating a spoonful at a time - a wonderful rich cake. I want to time travel back to Liverpool to Clare and Sandra before she was ill. Thank you for creating this.

— Mary Lunnen

What People Are Saying about “ Somewhere between derelict and divine”

The most powerful, profound words I have ever read about what dying actually is, told with humour and gravitas - overflowing with beauty. Both deeply reverent and wildly irreverent, I read it with tears coursing down my cheeks, snorting with laughter and heart bursting open.

Woven words and images take you right to the heart of what it means to lose the most important person in your life and how to return to tell the story”

— Lucy Pearce. Womancraft Publishing

Wonderful - every page is brim full of life and colour. Even the sadness of death brings life to the page. You have a gift for putting feelings on the page and bringing them to life for others so they feel a part of it. Love every single page.

— Valerie Evans

“An antidote to new age WAFFLE

— Julie Erwin Artist

Your ability to share your wobbly, messy , beautiful thoughts and experiences so rawly and truthfully- the book is amazing and so beautiful filled with wisdom.

— Claire Chambers Hopetree Counselling

Beautiful, luscious, vibrant and glorious. Bawled my eyes out reading it - felt good to let bottled up grief out. Remarkable Woman you are thank you

— Toria Garbutt Spoken Word Artist

Clare chats with fellow writer Julie Gieseke about writing the book.

Writing as self discovery ; how writing gives us something back of ourselves

Which path to take - to watch the full episode visit Clare’s Substack