Welcome to your next juicy dose of colour passion and this month is super special as we turn the internet blue in memory of our shero Sandra Richardson. The following are your daily prompts and inspiration around a creative journey for the colour blue. There is no pressure to follow these daily, you can simply dip in and out and add more ideas if you have them. All we ask is that you share your adventure with us on social media by adding the hashtag #colourpassion and tagging Clare.


Here is how to join in …

How do I join in ?


There is no way to get this wrong.

There are 20 prompts.

You can choose one a day or whenever you feel the juicy blue urge.

You can work through them in order or randomly !

There is no guilt involved if you only do one orange prompt or just read them - it’s still all a creative act.

The prompts are totally adaptable so if you can’t go out you can maybe find images on the internet or Pinterest.

You can take part also by seeing and enjoying what others have posted by looking on Clare’s Instagram or Facebook and interacting with the photos posted -it’s equally yummy sometimes to follow along in that way.

Here is how to share with the community


All this is optional but juicy

If you want to share publicly in the colour community

Upload your photos, musings and prompt responses onto your Instagram

Copy me in https://www.instagram.com/clarejasminebeloved/

Facebook I am Clare Jasmine Beloved

Tag me @clarejasminebeloved

If you can please use the hashtag #clarejasminebeloved #colourpassionorange

that way we can see and share your posts and stories and magic.

Juicy Prompts 



    Leave something blue. As it’s San’s 60th birthday today and Everton blue is her favourite colour, let’s leave something blue for others to find. Paint a stone, tie a ribbon, leave a blue note. Take a photo and share. Especially if you find a blue gift! Happy birthday San.

  • Close your eyes and visualise yourself surrounded by the colour blue. What feelings come up? Write them down in your journal, create a picture, or anything and don’t forget to share with us.

  • What words feel like or represent the colour blue? Find a creative way to share these with us. Maybe on a piece of blue paper or word collage.

  • Shero San wrote and shared some inspirational poetry during her life. Can you write a poem or story about the colour blue and please share it with us? Perhaps if you are brave you can share via video and don’t forget to use the hashtag #colourpassion and tag Clare.

  • Notice all the places where you see the colour blue.

  • Take photos of everything blue. Make an album or collage and of course remember to share.

  • Make and create something blue. Paint, colour, crochet, knit, felt or anything and don’t forget to share your creations.

  • What music makes you think of the colour blue? Perhaps there are certain sounds, songs, words. If you have a Spotify account you could make a playlist and share.

  • Wear something blue and share your pics

    Take a selfie and share

  • Create a blue Pinterest board and share it with us. You can look at mine go to Pinterest @Yogafae_journey to find my board.

  • What shade of blue is your favourite colour and why? How many shades of blue can you find in your home, surroundings, workplace etc.

  • What blue foods can you eat? Can you create some food with blue food colouring?

  • There are so many shades of blue. How many can you find in a day?

    What do you think of when you think of the colour blue? Draw, write, paint and create. Share your blue love with us on social media with the hashtag #colourpassion and don’t forget to tag Clare.

  • Blue love. In the month of Valentine’s Day, let’s share the blue love. Anything you do make it blue. I leave the creativity up to you. Please share with us.

  • Blue is the colour of the throat chakra. If you could speak your truth, what would you say? Think about why you might need to say this? Who you might need to say it to? Use this as a journal prompt. Feel free to share if you would like to but this maybe more of a private practice.

  • Blue breathing. Practice a calming breath. Breathe in peace and breathe out peace. Visualise the colour blue as you breathe.

  • Move in blue. Dance, shake, float or sashay either imagining blue or wrapped in something blue. If you are brave share your pics or video’s

  • Write something blue. This is a writing prompt to write about anything you like. This is your story of blue. Perhaps the bright blue sky, or a blue doorway, a blue creature or the sea.

  • Do you have any blue jewellery you can wear today? Please share your pics with us.

  • Where is blue? Show us the places you have visited that are blue or represent that colour for you. Perhaps a place where you feel calm or relaxed?

This months Colour Passion

was curated by Rebecca Jane Brookfield & added by Alison Claire

with huge thanks

Juicy Colour Books

delve more into the world of colours …..

The Anthology of turquoise by Ellen Malloy

The Colours of the Sea by Angela Annesley

The Secret lives of colour by Kassia St Clair

The colour bible by Laura Perrimen

Chromorama by Ricardo Falcineli

Colour by Victoria Finley

Palette Perfect by Laura Wager

“We are all dancing somewhere
between derelict and divine”

- Clare Beloved: Artist, Writer and Creator of Irreverent Gorgeousness